Zum Inhalt springen
- M. Schlögel und M. Grottke. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht und die Fachgerichte – Agieren bei (Nicht-)Öffentlichkeit. Erscheint in: R. C. van Ooyen und M. H. W. Möllers (Hrsg.). Handbuch Bundesverfassungsgericht im politischen System. 3rd edition, Springer, 2024, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-37532-4_67-1.
- K. S. Trivedi, M. Grottke und J. Alonso Lopez. Rethinking software fault tolerance. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 73(1):67–72, 2024, DOI: 10.1109/TR.2023.3330787.
- C. Mühlroth, L. Kölbl und M. Grottke. Innovation Signals: Leveraging Machine Learning to separate noise from news. Scientometrics 128:2649–2676, 2023, DOI: 10.1007/s11192-023-04672-y.
- M. Grottke und K. S. Trivedi. Aging, fast and slow. IEEE Computer 55(5):73-75, 2022, DOI: 10.1109/MC.2021.3133121.
- C. Mühlroth und M. Grottke. Artificial Intelligence in innovation: How to spot emerging trends and technologies. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 69(2):493-510, 2022, DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2020.2989214.
- C. Mühlroth, L. Kölbl, F. Wiser, M. Grottke und C. Durst. Intelligente Bots für die Trendforschung – Eine explorative Studie. In: S. D’Onofrio und A. Meier (Hrsg.). Big Data Analytics – Grundlagen, Fallbeispiele und Nutzungspotenziale, pages 257-275, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-32236-6_12.
- A. Avritzer, M. Grottke und D. S. Menasché. Using software aging monitoring and rejuvenation for the assessment of high-availability systems. In: T. Dohi, A. Avritzer und K. S. Trivedi (Hrsg.). Handbook of Software Aging and Rejuvenation, pages 197-228, 2020, DOI: 10.1142/9789811214578_0008.
- V. Rufino, L. P. de Aguiar, D. Menasché, C. Lima, I. Cunha, E. Altman, R. El-Azoui, F. de Pellegrini, A. Avritzer und M. Grottke. Beyond herd immunity against strategic attackers. IEEE Access 8:66365-66399, 2020, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2983652.
- L. Kölbl und M. Grottke. Obtaining more specific topics and detecting weak signals by topic word selection. In H. Pham (Hrsg.), Reliability and Statistical Computing, pages 193-206, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-43412-0_12.
- L. Kölbl, C. Mühlroth, F. Wiser, M. Grottke und C. Durst. Big Data im Innovationsmanagement: Wie Machine Learning die Suche nach Trends und Technologien revolutioniert. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 56(5):900-913, 2019, DOI: 10.1365/s40702-019-00528-3.
- L. Kölbl und M. Grottke. Topic word selection for topics modeled with latent Dirichlet allocation. In: Proc. 2019 ISSAT International Conference on Data Science and Intelligent Systems, S. 17-21, 2019.
- J. Knoll, J. Stübinger und M. Grottke. Exploiting social media with higher-order Factorization Machines: Statistical arbitrage on high-frequency data of the S&P 500. Quantitative Finance 19(4):571-585, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/14697688.2018.1521002.
- N. Agarwal, A. Brem und M. Grottke. Towards a higher socio-economic impact through shared understanding of product requirements in emerging markets: The case of the Indian healthcare innovations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 135:91-98, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2018.05.016.
- M. Grottke, J. Hacker und C. Durst. Which factors determine our online social capital? An analysis based on structural equation modeling. Australasian Journal of Information Systems 22, 2018, DOI: 10.3127/ajis.v22i0.1656.
- C. Mühlroth und M. Grottke. A systematic literature review of mining weak signals and trends for corporate foresight. Journal of Business Economics 88(5):643–687, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s11573-018-0898-4.
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- N. Agarwal, M. Grottke, S. Mishra und A. Brem. A systematic literature review of constraint-based innovations: State of the art and future perspectives. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 64(1):3-15, 2017, DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2016.2620562.
- M. Grottke, A. Avritzer, D. S. Menasché, L. Aguiar und E. Altman. On the efficiency of sampling and countermeasures to critical-infrastructure-targeted malware campaigns. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 43(4):33-42, 2016, DOI: 10.1145/2897356.2897361.
- M. Grottke, D. S. Kim, M. Nambiar, R. Natella, R. Mansharamani und K. S. Trivedi. Recovery from software failures caused by Mandelbugs. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 65(1):70–87, 2016, DOI: 10.1109/TR.2015.2452933.
- M. Grottke, A. Avritzer, D. S. Menasché, J. Alonso, L. Aguiar und S. Alvarez. Models and metrics for the assessment of critical-infrastructure-targeted malware campaigns. In: Proc. 26th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, pages 330–335, 2015, DOI: 10.1109/ISSRE.2015.7381826.
- M. Grottke, J. Knoll und R. Groß. How the distribution of the number of items rated per user influences the quality of recommendation. In: Proc. 15th International Conference on Innovations for Community Services, 2015, DOI: 10.1109/i4cs.2015.7294478.
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- N. Agarwal, M. Grottke und A. Brem. Understanding emerging market companies and customers: An empirical study of internal and external innovation terms for new product development. In: Proc. 22nd Innovation & Product Management Conference, 2015.
- A. Barcomb, M. Grottke, J.-P. Stauffert, D. Riehle und S. Jahn. How developers acquire FLOSS skills. In: Proc. 11th International Conference on Open Source Systems, pages 23-32, 2015, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-17837-0_3.
- C. Durst und M. Grottke. An empirical analysis of system-generated data in location-based crowdsourcing. In: Proc. 12th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, S. 933-947, 2015.
- B. Kilgert, L. Rybizki, M. Grottke, M. F. Neurath und H. Neumann. Prospective long-term assessment of sedation-related adverse events and patient satisfaction for upper endoscopy and colonoscopy. Digestion 90(1):42-48, 2014, DOI: 10.1159/000363567.
- N. Agarwal, A. Brem und M. Grottke. A unified innovation approach to emerging markets: imperatives to play and win the game. In: Proc. 21st International Product Development Management Conference, 2014.
- J. Zhao, K. S. Trivedi, M. Grottke, J. Alonso und Y. Wang. Ensuring the performance of Apache Web server affected by aging. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 11(2):130-141, 2014, DOI: 10.1109/TDSC.2013.38.
- D. Cotroneo, M. Grottke, R. Natella, R. Pietrantuono und K. S. Trivedi. Fault triggers in open-source software: An experience report. In: Proc. 24th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, pages 178-187, 2013, DOI: 10.1109/ISSRE.2013.6698917.
- J. Alonso, M. Grottke, A. P. Nikora und K. S. Trivedi. An empirical investigation of fault repairs and mitigations in space mission system software. In: Proc. 43rd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, 2013, DOI: 10.1109/DSN.2013.6575355.
- M. Grottke und B. Schleich. How does testing affect the availability of aging software systems? Performance Evaluation 70(3):179-196, 2013, DOI: 10.1016/j.peva.2012.05.007.
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- M. Grottke und B. Schleich. Cost optimality in testing and rejuvenation. In: Proc. 4th IEEE International Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation, pages 259-264, 2012, DOI: 10.1109/ISSREW.2012.84.
- J. Alonso, M. Grottke, A. P. Nikora und K. S. Trivedi. The nature of the times to flight software failure during space missions. In: Proc. 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, pages 331-340, 2012, DOI: 10.1109/ISSRE.2012.32.
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- K. S. Trivedi, R. Mansharamani, D. S. Kim, M. Grottke und M. Nambiar. Recovery from failures due to Mandelbugs in IT systems. In: Proc. 17th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, pages 224-233, 2011, DOI: 10.1109/PRDC.2011.34.
- A. Beckhaus, L. M. Karg, C. A. Graf, M. Grottke, and D. Neumann. A decision support scheme for software process improvement prioritization. In J. Cordeiro, A. Ranchordas, and B. Shishka, editors, Software and Data Technologies, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 50, Springer-Verlag, pages 85-93, 2011, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-20116-5_7.
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- M. Grottke, V. Apte, K. S. Trivedi und S. Woolet. Response time distributions in networks of queues. In: R. Boucherie und N. Van Dijk (Hrsg.). Queueing Networks: A Fundamental Approach, Springer International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Springer-Verlag, pages 587-641, 2011, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-6472-4_14.
- K. S. Trivedi, M. Grottke und E. Andrade. Software fault mitigation and availability assurance techniques. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 1(4):340-350, 2011, DOI: 10.1007/s13198-011-0038-9.
- L. M. Karg, M. Grottke und A. Beckhaus. A systematic literature review of software quality cost research. Journal of Systems and Software 84(3):415-427, 2011, DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2010.11.904.
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- M. Grottke, L. M. Karg und A. Beckhaus. Team factors and failure processing efficiency: An exploratory study of closed and open source software development. In: Proc. 34th Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, pages 188-197, 2010, DOI: 10.1109/COMPSAC.2010.25.
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- M. Grottke, A. P. Nikora und K. S. Trivedi. An empirical investigation of fault types in space mission system software. In: Proc. 40th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, pages 447-456, 2010, DOI: 10.1109/DSN.2010.5544284.
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- L. M. Karg, M. Grottke und A. Beckhaus. Conformance quality and failure costs in the software industry: An empirical analysis of open source software. In: Proc. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, pages 1386-1390, 2009, DOI: 10.5220/0002243801390144.
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- A. Beckhaus, L. M. Karg, C. A. Graf, M. Grottke und D. Neumann. Prioritization of software process improvements: A COQUALMO-based case study and derived decision support scheme. In: Proc. 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, Volume 1, S. 139-144, 2009.
- M. Grottke und C. Graf. Modeling and predicting software failure costs. In: Proc. 33rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, pages 180-189, 2009, DOI: 10.1109/COMPSAC.2009.195.
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- M. Grottke, R. Matias Jr. und K. S. Trivedi. The fundamentals of software aging. In: Proc. 1st International Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation/19th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, 2008, DOI: 10.1109/ISSREW.2008.5355512.
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- M. Grottke, H. Sun, R. M. Fricks und K. S. Trivedi. Ten fallacies of availability and reliability analysis. In: Proc. 5th International Service Availability Symposium, pages 187-206, 2008, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-68129-8_15.
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- H. Okamura, M. Grottke, T. Dohi und K. S. Trivedi. Variational Bayesian approach for interval estimation of NHPP-based software reliability models. In: Proc. International IEEE Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks 2007, pages 698-707, 2007, DOI: 10.1109/DSN.2007.101.
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- M. Grottke und K. S. Trivedi. Fighting bugs: Remove, retry, replicate, and rejuvenate. IEEE Computer 40(2):107-109, 2007, DOI: 10.1109/MC.2007.55.
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- A. Avritzer, A. Bondi, M. Grottke, K. S. Trivedi und E. J. Weyuker. Performance assurance via software rejuvenation: Monitoring, statistics and algorithms. In: Proc. International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks 2006, pages 435-444, 2006, DOI: 10.1109/DSN.2006.58.
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- M. Grottke, L. Li, K. Vaidyanathan und K. S. Trivedi. Analysis of software aging in a web server. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 55(3):411-420, 2006, DOI: 10.1109/TR.2006.879609.
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- M. Grottke und K. S. Trivedi. On a method for mending time to failure distributions. In: Proc. International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks 2005, pages 560-569, 2005, DOI: 10.1109/DSN.2005.72.
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- M. Grottke und K. S. Trivedi. Truncated non-homogeneous Poisson process models – Properties and performance. OPSEARCH 42(4):310-321, 2005, DOI: 10.1007/BF03398742.
- M. Grottke und K. S. Trivedi. Software faults, software aging and software rejuvenation. Journal of the Reliability Engineering Association of Japan 27(7):425-438, 2005, DOI: 10.11348/reajshinrai.27.7_425.
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- M. Grottke. A vector Markov model for structural coverage growth and the number of failure occurrences. In: Proc. Thirteenth International IEEE Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, pages 304-315, 2002, DOI: 10.1109/ISSRE.2002.1173276.
- M. Grottke und K. Dussa-Zieger. Systematic vs. operational testing: The necessity for different failure models. In: Proc. Fifth Conference on Quality Engineering in Software Technology, S. 59-68, 2001.
- M. Grottke. Prognose von Softwarezuverlässigkeit, Softwareversagensfällen und Softwarefehlern. In: P. Mertens und S. Rässler (Hrsg.). Prognoserechnung, 7th edition, Springer/Physica, Berlin, 2012, pages 585-619, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-7908-2797-2_26.
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- K. S. Trivedi, G. Ciardo, B. Dasarathy, M. Grottke, R. Matias, A. Rindos und B. Vashaw. Achieving and assuring high availability. In: Proc. 5th International Service Availability Symposium, pages 20-25, 2008, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-68129-8_4.
- K. S. Trivedi, G. Ciardo, B. Dasarathy, M. Grottke, A. Rindos und B. Vashaw. Achieving and assuring high availability. In: Proc. 13th IEEE Workshop on Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems/22nd IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, 2008.
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- M. Grottke and K. S. Trivedi. A classification of software faults. In Supplemental Proc. Sixteenth International IEEE Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, S. 4.19-4.20, 2005.
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- M. Grottke. Prognose von Softwarezuverlässigkeit, Softwareversagensfällen und Softwarefehlern. In: P. Mertens und S. Rässler (Hrsg.). Prognoserechnung, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 6. Auflage, 2005, S. 459-487.
- M. Grottke. A Markov model for software code construct coverage and fault detection. In: H. Langseth und B. Lindqvist (Hrsg.). Communications of the 3rd International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, S. 259-262, 2002.
- M. Grottke. Modelling structural coverage and the number of failure occurrences with non-homogeneous Markov chains, In: Supplemental Proc. Twelfth International IEEE Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, S. 245-246, 2001.
- M. Grottke und K. Dussa-Zieger. Prediction of software failures based on systematic testing. In: Electronic Proc. Ninth European Conference on Software Testing Analysis and Review, 2001.
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- M. Grottke. Dealing with software faults throughout the software life cycle. (Kumulative) Habilitationsschrift, Nürnberg, 2009.
- M. Grottke, T. Atmaca, M. Gilg, B. Hilt, and C. Dini, editors. Proc. 4th International Conference on Digital Telecommunications, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, 2009.
- D. Greenwood, M. Grottke, H. Lutfiyya, and M. Popescu, editors. Proc. 4th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, 2008.
- M. Grottke. Modeling Software Failures during Systematic Testing – The Influence of Environmental Factors. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2003
- M. Grottke. Modeling Software Failures during Systematic Testing – The Influence of Environmental Factors. Dissertation, Nürnberg, 2003.
- M. Grottke. Entwicklung eines Prognosesystems für Verbindungsdaten eines Netzwerkproviders und seine prototypische Integration in die bestehende IV-Infrastruktur . Diplomarbeit, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg, 1998.
- I. Klein und M. Grottke. On J.M. Keynes‘ „The Principal Averages and the Laws of Error which Lead to Them“ – Refinement and Generalisation. IWQW Discussion Paper 07/2008, Institut für Wirtschaftspolitik und Quantitative Wirtschaftsforschung, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg, 2008.
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- M. Grottke, L. Li, K. Vaidyanathan und K. S. Trivedi. Analysis of software aging in a web server. Diskussionspapier 69/2005, Lehrstühle für Statistik, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg, 2005.
- M. Grottke und K. S. Trivedi. On a method for mending time to failure distributions. Diskussionspapier 66/2004, Lehrstühle für Statistik, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg, 2004.
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- M. Grottke und S. Rässler. Über Belegungs-, Couponsammler- und Komiteeprobleme. Diskussionspapier 49/2003, Lehrstühle für Statistik, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg, 2003.
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- M. Grottke. Enhanced new software reliability model. Research Report A.6, Project PETS, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg, 2003.
- M. Grottke. Analysis and evaluation of experiments. Research Report C.9, Project PETS, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg, 2003.
- M. Grottke. Properties of a software failure model for systematic testing. Discussion Paper 44/2002, Chairs of Statistics, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg, 2002.
- M. Grottke. New software reliability model. Research Report A.5, Project PETS, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg, 2002.
- M. Grottke. Modelling structural coverage and the number of failure occurrences with non-homogeneous Markov chains. Diskussionspapier 41/2001, Lehrstühle für Statistik, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg, 2001.
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- M. Grottke and D. Söhnlein. Justified model selection. Research Report A.4, Project PETS, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg, 2001.
- M. Grottke. Software process maturity model study. Research Report A.3, Project PETS, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg, 2001.
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- M. Grottke. Software reliability model study. Research Report A.2, Project PETS, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nürnberg, 2001.
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- Using Artificial Intelligence to detect emerging trends and technologies. Vorlesung auf Einladung, DY Patil University, April 2024.
- Using Artificial Intelligence to detect emerging trends and technologies. Vorlesung auf Einladung, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, März 2024.
- The fundamentals of software aging. Vorlesung auf Einladung, Duke University, März 2024.
- The fundamentals of software aging. Vorlesung auf Einladung, Duke University, März 2023.
- The fundamentals of software aging. Vorlesung auf Einladung, Duke University, Februar 2022.
- Software faults – and how to mitigate them. Vortrag auf Einladung, Ground Based Strategic Deterrent Program, Hill Air Force Base, August 2021.
- Better decisions with AI?. Invited panelist. AI-Enabled Tech Foresight Summit, September 2020.
- Die Erkennung von schwachen Signalen und Trends im Unternehmensumfeld: Eine systematische Literaturanalyse und neue Ergebnisse. Vortrag auf Einladung. Wissenschaftstagung der Erich-Gutenberg-Gesellschaft, September 2020.
- Fighting (aging-related) bugs. Keynote, 30th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering/11th International Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation, Berlin, Oktober 2019.
- Advanced software reliability and availability models. Tutorial im Rahmen des 26th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Gaithersburg, November 2015. (Teil des "Tutorial Certificate Program" der IEEE Reliability Society.)
- The exterminator’s tale: Software bugs and how to treat them. Invited talk given at the 15th International Conference on Innovations for Community Services, Nuremberg, July 2015.
- Software reliability. Invited talk at Beihang University, Beijing, December 2014. (Part of the Tutorial Certificate Program of IEEE Reliability Society.)
- Advanced software reliability and availability models. (Mit K.S. Trivedi, J. Alonso und A. Nikora.) Tutorial im Rahmen des 25th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Neapel, November 2014. (Teil des "Tutorial Certificate Program" der IEEE Reliability Society.)
- Ist Justitia wirklich blind? Statistische Analyse der Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts. Präsentation für die Hans Frisch Stiftung, Nürnberg, Juli 2014.
- Was kostet die komplette Fußball-WM? Panini-Sammler-Probleme gelöst. JOSEPHS – Die Service-Manufaktur, Nürnberg, Juli 2014.
- Program debugging: Transitioning from research to practice. Eingeladener Diskutant im Rahmen des 4th International Workshop on Program Debugging, Pasadena, November 2013.
- Advanced software reliability and availability models. (Mit K.S. Trivedi und J. Alonso.) Tutorial im Rahmen des 23th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Pasadena, November 2013.
- Modeling the behavior of aging software systems during tests and operations. Eingeladener Vortrag an der Philipps-Universität Marburg, Februar 2013.
- Prediction of software failure costs. Hiroshima-Universität, Februar 2010.
- Was kosten Fehler? Präsentation im Rahmen des Competence Day Testing der Bundesagentur für Arbeit, Lauf, Oktober 2009.
- How self-adaptive systems can deal with software faults. Invited presentation given at the Workshop Organic Computing – Controlled Self-organization, Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, April 2008.
- Achieving high availability via software rejuvenation and multiple levels of recovery. Invited presentation given at the Workshop Mathematical Methodologies for Operational Risk (organized by scientists from the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, the University of Strathclyde, and the London School of Economics), EURANDOM, Eindhoven, April 2007.
- Machine Learning for Causal Analysis – GfK’s Causal Inference Engine. (With P. Gmeiner.) Presentation given at the Data Science Summit, Warsaw, December 2022.
- An empirical analysis of system-generated data in location-based crowdsourcing. (With C. Durst.) Presentation given at the 12th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, Osnabrück, March 2015.
- A queuing model and its application to software rejuvenation. Presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the German Statistical Society (DStatG) 2014, Hanover, September 2014.
- A queuing model and its application to software rejuvenation. resentation given at Operations Research 2014, Aachen, September 2014.
- Empirical investigation of fault triggers in open-source software. Presentation given at the 24th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Pasadena, November 2013.
- Cost optimality in testing and rejuvenation. Presentation given at the 4th IEEE International Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation, Dallas, November 2012.
- The nature of the times to flight software failure during space missions. Presentation given at the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Dallas, November 2012.
- The effects of software testing on availability. Presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the German Statistical Society (DStatG), Nuremberg, September 2010.
- An empirical investigation of fault types in space mission system software. Presentation given at the 40th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, Chicago, June 2010.
- Modeling and predicting software failure costs. Presentation given at the 33rd Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, Seattle, July 2009.
- Variationelle Bayes-Ansätze zur Schätzung von Softwarezuverlässigkeitsmodellen (Variational Bayesian approaches to estimating software reliability models). Presentation given at the Pentecost Conference of the German Statistical Society (DStatG), Merseburg, June 2009.
- Fehlerfolgekosten aus Sicht eines Softwareherstellers (Failure costs from a software developer’s point of view). Presentation given at the Software & Systems Quality Conference 2009, Düsseldorf, May 2009.
- The fundamentals of software aging. Presentation given at the 1st International Workshop on Software Aging and Rejuvenation, Redmond/Seattle, November 2008.
- Truncated non-homogeneous Poisson process models for software reliability growth. Poster presentation given at the IBM University Day, Research Triangle Park, April 2006.
- Software bugs – A bestiary. Poster presentation given at the IBM University Day, Research Triangle Park, October 2005.
- Analysis of software aging in a web server. Poster presentation given at the IBM University Day, Research Triangle Park, May 2005.
- A vector Markov model for structural coverage growth and the number of failure occurrences. Presentation given at the Thirteenth International IEEE Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Annapolis, November 2002.
- A Markov model for software code construct coverage and fault detection. Presentation given at the Third International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability, Trondheim, June 2002.
- Modelling structural coverage and the number of failure occurrences with non-homogeneous Markov chains. Poster presentation given at the Twelfth International IEEE Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, Hong Kong, November 2001.
- Prediction of software failures based on systematic testing. Presentation given at the Ninth European Conference on Software Testing Analysis and Review, Stockholm, November 2001.
- Systematic vs. operational testing: The necessity for different failure models. Presentation given at the Fifth Conference on Quality Engineering in Software Technology, Nuremberg, September 2001.
- Software Reliability Engineering – Eine Einführung (An Introduction to Software Reliability Engineering). Presentation given at a working group meeting of the Arbeitskreis Software-Qualität Franken (ASQF), July 2000.